Document Review

  • Gnarly World of Native Files
    Technology Advantage

    Part Three of ESI Basics: The Gnarly World of Native Files

    This is Part Three of a continuing series on ESI basics. In this series, we cover some of the terms used most often on the tech-side of e-discovery. In Part One, we provided an overview of PSTs. You can find that article here. In Part Two, we provided a primer on data processing. You can find that article here.  Whether this is an introduction to you or a refresher, and whether you are an attorney, member of an in-house team or data analyst, this information may come in handy in your practice.

  • Redacting Sensitive But Not Privileged Information
    Legal Updates

    Redacting Sensitive But Not Privileged Information: Surveying the Cases For and Against – PART ONE

    In an era of massive spreadsheets, expansive power points, and wide ranging email discussions, there are innumerable documents that may contain tremendous amounts of non-relevant and sensitive information which the opposing side would not be entitled to at all, except for that information’s proximity to minimal amounts of relevant information. Not all courts have come out in the same place on redacting non-responsive information, however, and there appears to be a dearth of controlling law or general consensus. In this article we will survey a cross section of relevant cases on both sides of the issue.

  • Success Stories

    Select LitSmart® E-Discovery Team Document Review Successes

    With the opening of the LitSmart® E-Discovery Review Center in Winston-Salem, the award-winning LitSmart E-Discovery Team is able to centrally manage document reviews on litigation taking place across the country while providing e-discovery services at highly-competitive rates in the national market. Here we detail a sample of the team's 100+ successful document reviews.